……she quickly turned around to check where that ‘squeaking’ sound was coming from, she had been alone in that house for hours and did not expect such a sound. The glass in her hand she was now thinking of using as a weapon. Her feet trembling she made small silent steps towards the main door, she figured that if anything or anyone was in the house then she had to be out. At that instance there was a comforting voice from outside, what a relief she thought as she opened the door for farrell, her boyfriend who had come to take her to the……





Close your eyes and see If a picture comes to mind,

A thought about something seen out in the world.

Could It be possibly a scent In the air that holds a memory,

Tasting a favorite food that reminds one of a place in time.

When I write there are many possibilities that come to life,

I might just close my eyes for a moment and breathe.

A title appears In my mind, words from feelings arrive,

Inspiration comes from different things that are explored.

When I write day or night the world belongs to me,

Whatever I write when I write Is share for you to read.

Keith Garrett



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I thought i’d call to you and talk awhile,

I’m sitting here alone, I’ve been thinking.

What can i do to make this world a better place,

Let go of anger and sometimes terrible thoughts.

Do not waste this time that I’ve been given,

Smile and say hello to a passerby.

Lend a hand to a less fortunate soul,

Put a little trust in man, this I’ve been told.

Do not take a life, be there for a friend,

Teach a child right from wrong.

Love as much as you can, hate is not a gift in hand,

Do not steal or act in violence,

I’ve been thinking god, I just needed you to listen.

Keith Garrett

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My people;

What is why?  this question is critical and most important to all of us. Look, Why is the purpose of a thing, see the word Why? gives the word ‘What’ fulfillment.. If you do not know why you do it why do it; I mean you could be doing something good but it is wrong for you, but because you do not know why you doing it, you realise later and its a big loss, the benefit of it goes to others…What you want is not Important if you do not know why you want it… I Found out what my ‘why’ is…my purpose; so seek out your ‘why’ and what you want, what you have, what you do will make all make sense now… search to find..

About classptp

Greetings! In the title ptp means People Teaching People, Iron sharpens Iron so get geared up and start Teaching your Sisters and Brothers all around the world, Lessons and Truths you know, not from school, not from church, not from parents, from life, realities you have come to know & believe by experiencing/living them. Save the next generation.

Hello world

Greetings! In the title ptp means People Teaching People, Iron sharpens Iron so get geared up and start Teaching your Sisters and Brothers all around the world, Lessons and Truths you know, not from school, not from church, not from parents, from life, realities you have come to know & believe by experiencing/living them. Save the next generation.